Monday, June 30, 2008

Assessing June

Last month I feebly whined and winged about the 'assessing' posts, yet, yesterday I found myself looking forward to writing about June. The last day of the month gives me a clear purpose for the daily post, as opposed to wandering around the house, asking myself why on earth I need to post every day. Fact is, it is good for writing. There is nothing like a handful of daily lines to keep the writing brain ticking.

As envisaged at the end of May, the great highlights of June turned out to be the Tutankhamun exhibition and the Jovi concert. Now, they both seem so far away in time that I am somehow wondering whether they did happen and if they did, was it really me experiencing them? Time stretches out and then compresses itself strangely in my life. I have clear memories of something that happened twenty years ago and sketchy, un-lived remembrances of something that I only experienced this past week. The greatest accomplishment this month has been nailing down the sample chapters to send out with my book proposal. There is a lot going on in my life at present yet, somehow, I am finishing the month on a downer, as if I had finally gone past the finishing line of a 30-day marathon.

I can only hope that July will bring something more definite in every sense of the term. Tomorrow I have a most unpleasant work meeting in London. Oh wait! I should not expect it to be unpleasant, hence it will turn into the proverbial self-fulfilling prophecy. So, ok, I am looking forward to the work meeting and then to dragging my heels around Harrods that most conveniently started the sale today. July is an extraordinarily long (and boring) month. But hey, it's two months to my birthday tomorrow and hopefully it will turn into a seminal one.
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